"The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates.  Nothing rests.  Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, and so ARE YOU!" Equally, Feng Shui and Jin Shin Jyutsu are based on the premise that everything is energy, therefore "energetic." The world and everything in it is composed of vital energy or life force that vibrates, swirls in and around every living being in nature, in buildings, and in space.  Energy from the sun, earth and air breathes life force into everyone and everything. It is the universal breath of life, the energy, that connects everything. Energy permeates your physical body and the buildings where you live and work. You and every object in your daily life have the ability to absorb, project, and deflect energy. Your furniture, plants, wall colors, shapes of your objects, photos and artwork, the garden, all contain their own energy field. Your body and your body organs contain their own energy systems such as meridians (your body's energy pathways), chakras (your body's energy centers), and aura of biofield (your body's energy pathways), which further emit electromagnetic energy and light. Your personal energy is constantly interacting with your surroundings and the people and objects within it and affecting your life. You are either uplifted or depleted by every interaction...

And this is where Feng Shui,  Jin Shin Juytsu, and "You and Me" enter the picture...